
Exciting developments in our company, interesting and research-based technical articles on topics of digitalization and quality management as well as everything else that you should know about us – up-to-date and enriched with service information. Welcome to the Babtec news! 

Michael Flunkert im Gespräch mit einem Gast

Opening of the New Office in Munich

At the beginning of the year, we already announced the expansion of our locations with an office in the south of Germany. In the meantime, the new office in Munich has been inaugurated – in accordance with the current conditions, initially on a small but fine… Read more
Die Zukunft sieht sonnig aus, genau so wie sie auf dem Bild durch das Rollo scheint.

Trade Fair Control and Prospects 2021

Today we are reporting to you with a status update on Control 2021, on our handling of events regarding the pandemic and also on our further plans for the coming months. Read more

The World of Quality Keeps on Turning

Even if everything is a little different this year: you can rely on our annual Q.Magazine. On 36 pages, the new issue once again offers exciting insights into current quality and digitalization topics. The Q.Magazine is available for free download on our… Read more

BloQ – Kicking Off the Quality Blog

We love to talk about quality. And now we have created another opportunity to do so. With our blog for quality - the BloQ - we recently launched an online platform where we regularly post articles on topics related to quality, quality management and… Read more