Coming Soon: Babtec 8

We have great news for you: Just in time for Babtec's 30th anniversary, we are presenting a new generation of our software: From December 2024, Babtec 8 will take your experience and, above all, your opportunities to a new level. You can look forward not only to many improvements and new functions, but also to groundbreaking innovations. We promise: Babtec 8 will help you to master the challenges of the present and the future even better with the usual high quality.

You can look forward to these highlights, among others

Screenshot of the "Risk Management" module in Babtec 8

Risk Management

Recognizing risks at an early stage, but also being aware of opportunities and seizing them, is part of everyday entrepreneurial life today. Management system standards also require risk-based thinking and actions for dealing with risks and opportunities. In future, Babtec's risk management software will support you in taking a holistic view of risks and opportunities. The new module in Babtec 8 will therefore also make an effective contribution to your management system.

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Icons symbolize speed, security and innovation in Babtec 8

Into the Future with Innovative Technology

In addition to this highlight, numerous optimizations await you that will make work much more pleasant and efficient. To this end, we are also further developing the technology and infrastructure of the software. For you, this means that the latest generation of our solution will be ...

  • ... even faster: With Babtec 8, the performance will increase noticeably – at your company's headquarters as well as at all locations or when working from home.
  • ... even more secure: Latest technologies ensure improved protection of your sensitive data and that of your business partners.
  • ... even more innovative: Don't stop at the current state of development, but be well prepared for future requirements and innovations.
Logo for the announcement of Babtec 8

... and that's not all!

We are working hard on further exciting highlights. What are they all about? We will contunie to keep you up to date digitally. Stay tuned!


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